Version a0.46.0 Changelog
-Implemented and adapted parts of voraphile's Voracious patch (up to v2.13):
---Fixed the issue that caused your car to be unreachable when you drove to the Ice Cream Parlor, got vored, and were being freed from Bessie's belly in her home (home and parlor are collocated).
---Fixed the bug that was causing Jasmine's vore cool down delay to never be taken into account after a long vore scene (it was wrongly zeroed when the player character was eaten by her and kept after midnight in her belly).
---Improved the layout of the achievements window (nicer text justification, smaller window width).
---Added a new "Full Tour" achievement (fulfilled after you asked a predator to give you a full tour when they agree to release you).
---Made Jasmine even more playful with her belly sluts or in "unpredictable predator" mode for other preys, where she can choose to give you a full tour instead of regurgitating you (on the condition you fulfilled the "Full Tour" achievement, so to avoid upsetting players not into this kind of thing and that won't achieve it as a result).
---Made the bed vore scenes with Jasmine much more fun (especially the feet first vore scene), and more likely to occur (won't spoil it: just try it!).
---Non-roommate player characters can now use the bed in Jasmine's guestroom... with of course potential consequences.
---Made it possible to "Agree to be digested" for unwilling vore scenes (this is the equivalent of "Ask to be digested" for willing vore) in menus.
---Made the predators' reply to "Ask/Agree to be digested" much less laconic and more fun.
---Made the "Beg" and "Scream" actions coherent between various menus (vore, unbirth), and only make them available after "Ask to be let out" has been used already. It will also be now possible to "Beg" even after asking/agreeing for digestion, once the player character health gets low enough (but of course, this is not to say that the predator will agree to let you out).
---Fixed the bug that was causing predators' daily valuable items spawning check to fail to work as long as the player character was inside another predator's belly.
---Fixed the wrong dialog emoted by Sigrid asking the player she is devouring to tell her when they want out while they did say they wanted to be digested before she would eat them.
---Fixed a discrepancy in Jasmine's reaction when requesting vs begging to be let out, while she is in "soft vore mood".
---For coherency, do not display any more the "If you eat me..." dialog menu entries after the player character explicitly said to the predator they are free to digest them. Also properly take into account in Jasmine's reply to the "would you let me out" question, any former reply she would have already done to that question (instead of re-randomizing it).
---Made Bessie's reply to requests to be digested after being eaten more fun.
---Fixed the annoying issue that caused ongoing actions (e.g. dialogs, masturbation, etc) to be interrupted or to restart from scratch after hitting the "Take Action" or "Switch View" buttons while resigning to your fate or resting. A click on these buttons will now be taken into account after the ongoing action is finished. Note that due to a Renpy shortcoming (failure to register mouse clicks while busy), there will still sometimes be "glitches" causing a failure to register your click on the said buttons while Renpy is updating the screens (but that's nothing new); I however made it so that, when actually taken into account, either the click on the said buttons got an immediate effect (i.e. when not clicked during an ongoing action), or causes the button(s) to disappear until the click is fully processed.
---Fixed a bug that caused a "crash" to the start screen when exiting Bessie's belly while she is being milked at 07:00 (AM).
---Removed the duplicated "Ask to be let out", "Beg" and "Scream" entries that existed in the "Talk" sub-menu of the vore menu, since those are already present at the root of the vore menu, and could show when they should not (depending on willingness, etc).
---Personalized the "Ask/Agree to be digested" dialogs for each predator's demeanor, also making those dialogs a fun mini-RP.
---Fixed the mention of roommate in Elaine's dialog when asking her to be eaten and digested while not any more residing at her home.
---Fixed the issue that caused Elaine's fridge to empty up forever after the player character moved and is no more her roommate, causing impossibility to have a drink with her at her home
---Fixed the bogus mentions of the fridge replenishment in Elaine's dialogs that could be seen when interacting with her after the player character moved and is no more her roommate while the fridge is almost full.
---Introduced a new Squirm action effect: if you get too squirmy, the predator could become rather playful...
---Went berserk with the feet-first bed vore scenes at Jasmine's home: now almost worth a role-play!
---Added an "I'm fine, I guess..." reply to Bessie's question at "good morning" time, so that you can avoid giving her the cold shoulder ("(say nothing)") just to prevent seeing Jen coming to the rescue...
---Added default value initializations that were missing for some global variables (might solve the transitory glitches sometimes seen when loading an old saved game, such as wrongly displaying the internal POV).
---When eating "food" inside the stomach or the intestines, do not increase the lust level any more, unless the player character asked to be digested (matches the poses and their description of the disgust or arousal).
---Improved a few dialogs.
---Fixed a bug that would cause an indefinite looping when reaching the masturbation lust level threshold while in "too far gone" state.
---Fixed a failure to set a flag when using "Ask to be let out" while in Bessie's milking vore scene, causing a failure to enable the "Beg" vore menu entry afterwards.
---Fixed a a bug that got introduced in patch v2.00 and caused a breakage of the "Take Action" and alternate "Switch View" buttons while in unbirth "resign to your fate" mode.
---Fixed the bug that was causing to wait 30 minutes more than asked via the "Rest" action, when a masturbation occurred during the rest.
---Fixed Bessie most often releasing the player character at "good morning" time, after Jen's plea not to digest them, via regurgitation while they were in her intestines or in her womb.
---Do not trigger "playful belly rubs" when the predator is unaware they ate the player character.
---Properly increase lust depending on actions performed with Bessie in "milk production stimulation job" unbirth scene.
---Added reactions from Jasmine and Bessie when kissing their labia.
---Do not increase drinking skill when the player character is not in the predator's stomach while the latter is drinking.
---Fixed Euthalia broken schedule and location/room determination in the vore code (fixes a load of bugs during Euthalia's vore scenes and POV mode switching).
---Implemented Euthalia's missing outside POV vore scene when she is on the secluded beach (this was causing a failure to change POV).
---Fixed Euthalia's outside vore POV to actually be the Secluded beach scene and not the Beach one (copy-paste bug in v2.04: I should not program after midnight!).
---Fixed predators wrongly releasing the player character on the Secluded beach (bug introduced in v2.04).
---Fixed a lot more wrong references to "stomach" in dialogs while the player character is in the intestines or in the womb.
---Improved some dialogs and added an adequate reply to "good morning" and "good night" release requests when the player character asked to be digested.
---Properly flag the player character when they reach a zero health while in drunk blackout mode, so that they can regain consciousness in "too far gone" state just before they are digested.
---Improved the player character progression inside the intestines by never displaying twice the same internal POV scene in a raw.
---Fixed the bug that was causing predators to reply to "Ask to be let out" or "Beg" requests while they are asleep and the player character is past the fatality health threshold.
---Made the fatality threshold dialog more fun, and properly use it when the player uses "Beg" (which was causing a giggle, instead of the same reply as when "Ask to be let out" is used).
---Now do not allow the player character to Kick/Squirm/Massage when they are far past the fatality threshold limit, and instead pose some fun text when they attempt such actions.
---Fixed a bug that would cause an indefinite looping when reaching the masturbation lust level threshold while far past the fatality threshold limit.
---Fixed the failure to ask about the fatality threshold new setting/preference at "New game" start, causing the said preference to only be asked about after reloading a saved new game.
---Properly account for the fatality threshold in Jasmine's refusal to be let out dialog, when dealing with her super belly-sluts.
---Fixed a couple cases where Jen could get Bessie to release the player character while they are already past the fatality threshold.
---Improved the algorithm for the alternate "Switch View" button (the one showing in "resign to your fate" mode) to fix various glitches (e.g. improper muffled/non-muffled sounds) and a potential crash-to-intro-screen bug.
---Fixed the many cases where a bogus valuable item could be generated, causing an infinite loop when trying to appraise all items, and a failure to properly appraise such a bogus item alone. Also ensured that an infinite loop cannot occur any more in Doris' appraisal code. Note that this also fixes saved games with such bogus items in your inventory (the items will be properly appraised as of the lowest value of their type, which incidentally also matches what they should have been initialized as, so you loose nothing).
---Fixed the black screen seen in internal POV mode when the player character wakes up exactly at the same time as their predator, in the "good morning" scene.
---Slightly improved a few dialogs and corrected typos in a couple others.
---Further strengthened the appraisal code against any future valuable items bugs (e.g. unknown item due to incomplete implementation in a mod).
---Properly account for Doris' appraisal time when appraising multiple items, and improved social interaction accounting (now more fine-grained).
---Fixed a typo in the unique items inquiry dialogs, slightly improved the latter, and properly account for time spent and social interaction gain for them.
---Fixed the bug that caused Euthalia's digestion rate to be permanently lowered after an unbirth scene.
---Fixed the emotes about predators movements seen on wake up while the predator is not moving any more (bug accidentally reintroduced in v2.10).
---Minor improvements to dialogs for Jasmine's bedtime feet-first vore scene.
---Fixed another occurrence of a failure to take into account the new fatality level setting for one of Jasmine's dialogs.
-Implemented and adapted parts of Jack's various mods (up to v2.2):
---The textbox has been reduced so as to not obscure the visuals as much.
---Elaine now congratulates you for paying off your coma bill.
---You can now talk to Doctor Grossman a second time during the intro.
---If you've been eaten by Elaine at least four times, you now have the option to ask her to trust you instead of being forced to buy an antipeptic when you ask her to eat you.
---Elaine is now more likely to let you out in her bathroom. Feels more natural to me since you come out with low hygiene. Also, it's kinda weird seeing Elaine just phase from the pantless anal release in the living room to being dressed and sitting on her couch.
---When fingering Elaine or Sigrid, they'll now ask for "more". If you decide to interpret that as "more fingers", you'll wind up using far more than just your fingers.
---While I was at it, I added an extra bit of code so that having a penis didn't have a 50% chance of denying you the chance to kiss Elaine after she rides you.
---Jog with Sigrid in the morning (while having at least 105 stamina) and she'll talk to you afterward. I added options so you could go home with her.
---Updated Sigrid's Schedule. It takes her 30 minutes to bus to the park, but then she teleports back. Realistically, her shower should have been at 8:30am this whole time. I also updated the shower dialogue a bit to flow better with the option to join her after the jog.
---When having Sigrid sit on your face, you now have the option to lick her, a stimulation which causes an 'accidental' vore. Also, if you pass out, there's a 33% chance you wake up inside her.
---Added the option to request unbirth from Sigrid as widely as you can request vore. Made it so that Sigrid getting in the hot tub doesn't disable your ability to get out. Also, I changed the dialogue for if you ask her to eat you while in the tub from "later" to "after we dry off".
Get It's a Gluttonous Life
It's a Gluttonous Life
A lewd life sim with voracious anthro girls
Status | In development |
Author | Loneclaw |
Genre | Visual Novel, Simulation |
Tags | Adult, Character Customization, Economy, Furry, Moddable, Modern, Sandbox, Singleplayer, vore |
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i think in one of the updates a way to delete saves because of corruption or because that version couldn't hold together so it must be deleted.
Багов стало буд-то еще больше. С Бесси невозможно взаимодействовать, в случайный момент когда ты находишься в ней пропадает возможность взаимодействовать с чем либо и игра останавливается. Иногда находясь в животе хищника твое здоровье сразу становится красным и начинается ивент "О нет я не могу тебя выпустить ты слишком далеко".
Часто когда любой из НПС выпивает вино игра останавливается, перестает реагировать на любые из кнопок и время в мире останавливается. Если ты нажал кнопку "Смириться со своей судьбой", то примерно через 10-20 часов игрового времени игра зависает и снова не реагирует.
Are you planning an android version?
Hello, I love the game, just got curious about something
when you planning to add the possibility of being roomates with other preds? cuz I wanted to be roomates with Beatrice (btw, any change of the player be able to live alone and invite some other character home?)
I just want more "bellypet" moments when you go perma unbirthed :33
Fair enough, that would be good as well