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Major question but will scenes (mainly the sex scenes since the Vore scenes mind be a bit tricky) be animated at one point because I feel like it would bring a bit more life to what we currently see them as?

C'est sympa d'avoir des traductions en plusieurs langues surtout en français ça aide par contre j'ai eu un bug ou sertin texte ne s'affiche pas mais pas grave j'aime le jeux 

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Are you making an android port


we are waiting for the release on android

Can anyone tell me where I can get the most for my work? At the moment I only know of an ice cream shop.

And also how and where to communicate with the giraffe and the frog, the relationship bar does not fill up, or fills up slowly... 

 And as for housing... Who is the best place to move to early in the game? (Right now I'm literally sleeping in the park, otherwise a deer/doe will eat me😅)


the best place is from ziraffa for that doesn't eat you and doesn't ask you anything in return for the work I don't know which is the best in my game that one who paid the most was the garbage man but you withdrew without resistance falling asleep wherever it happens until the days of vacation to make the love rise and you have to have the hygene, social and fun bars at maximum to make the love rise

Made please port for android.

Loving it so far!
Hoping in the future, we can see some animations, and more encouragement to find other roommates.

Will there be an option to change content (disabling/enabling ub) after starting a agme?

for now no and if it doesn't work

Where's the option to remove the relationship cap at the beginning, cause I can't find it and it's not showing up in the intro

the game refuses to open for me anyone got any ideas on how to fix this?

Its on steam, you could try that if you haven't already :3

Tem como reveter isso não  da para jogar e não  quero iniciar novamente o progresso  e muito lento na parte dá  amiazade

Eu fiquei bugado meus autosaves  não  funcionam eu fui sem querer  fui no bar e a jasmine me comeu em todos os autosaves e agora não  dá  para utilizar outro autosave onde eu estava no jardim ao  lado da sigrid


add poop screen afder being digested

will new fetishes be added?

Is it possible to add vore for doctor Grossman?

The game is wonderful and very good, I have nothing to say but I have a question, do you plan to add more Anal vore scenes? or unbirth? Or place NPC prey?

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how do i fuck the deer ?

i did the deed ONCE and never again.. odd which i kinda wanna how to trigger it

please add npc preg


You can every 08AM when she's taking a shower.

Every character that offers a home has their sex shower's scene.

something is wrong the relationship bars wont go up no matter how many times i use small talk

yep something is diffidently wrong with the relationship bars im starting to get irritated 

Building it  up can take a bit at time, especially with only small talk, but they did change it to where it takes twice the time to build up and even have a cap on how much you can build one up at one time (cap reached shown when it turns grey).

Given, if you have that part turned off when you started it so you don't have that limit, then that sounds like a problematic bug.

i think i found the problem it happens when i speak to jen or bessie

those two are set to mostly increase after you make a purchase iirc. They're a long-haul sort of thing, because you need to make the trip way out to the shop, buy from them, compliment the food, and...i think thats about all you can do each day. Its really inefficient. they dont really respond to talk interactions

really great work. so not sure if this is a bug or just me but im on .43.1 and after doing some work for Bessie when my 3 months are up and she asks me if I want to stay another 3, if I ask to be let out it sends me to the main menu.


pls  android version

Go to Eka's portal

Doesn't work bud


I wanna see cute/silly male pred do cv

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Can you add the esophagus while getting vored? Also can you include in your next update that the player can live in all 7 homes?


Any chance this could get an Android port? This game looks really good and I'd love to try it out.

Go to Eka's portal

I've tried, and it downloads but it simply doesn't work.

Love the game somehow my anti viruis said it had something on it now it can read it :( 
This game is a wondeful thing to play and relax just hoping it was my laptop being silly. 

I'd say it's just your laptop being silly given that no one else has reported something like this.

It was had to delete it and reinstall and it works fine. You did an amazing job with it Loneclaw.m

this is a very nice game, but i think you'd need to make it a little less dense, 1GB is quite alot for how much is there right? either way, its a nice game

Could you make a mobile version? When i try It on joyplay It Just crashes

If you click the "Eka's Thread", you can find an unofficial mobile port in the OP.

Where do i click?

Check the description here. Or:

i Saw It but, you know, It woud be kinda easier If they made an APK version 

actualmente diria que hay 2 herrores esporadicos. de ves en cuando al desmayarte apareces en lugares que jamas e visto como la casa de la hipopotamo

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How about lamia and spider girls? 


I really like Lamias, so I second this.

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how about a horse and a dragon


You can add More predators?

Or you can add a preys for the player?

When i try to open the game on joyplay the game Just craches

Same issue

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 how strong do you need to be to force your way out of  any one's stomach


That's what I would like to know

will there be a option to unbith  with Elaine?

So funny little bug for you. If you're in Bessies stomach and talk to her, you can ask if she makes her own milk for ice cream. Then you can ask her to show you, and you'll magically be outside and get eaten again. And you can infinitely loop it

Just curious which characters can unbirth you

i can't wait for some male preds! (that is, if you'll add any to the game)

also, could you add a small pred? i love very big bellies!


is it only going to be females? or is there plans for males aswell? Waiting for cock vore and paw play!

i see that i'm not the only one wait for some cv action.

I've addored this game since you made your first demo. I just have to ask, what is your end vision? Will there be an end goal we're trying to get to (outside of being ass fat on one of the many girls in this world)?
And thank you for bringing such a great game to us, I cannot wait to see how you will keep developing it :)


whis game on Steam, i am amazed

I tried to launch the new version through the Joyplay emulator, but it didn’t work. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

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