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does it have any sense to join in ds server?


I need help with something: Every time I get eaten by any pred my bar immediatly goes red, and i'm basically dead. No matter how high my stats, or if I have lifesavers, it's immediatly red. Anyone knows what I have to do to stop that? cause I'm completely stuck.

Could your setting be off, at the start of the game when you choose how long you get digested for, that may be the issue


I’m on the most recent version, a0.46.0, and ran into a game crashing bug. Got willingly eaten by Jasmine in the bar while she already had someone else in her stomach. The error message was as follows:

While loading < object ('stomach/Prey/stomachprey cat la.png')
OSError: Couldn't find file 'stomach/Prey/stomachprey cat 1a.png'.

Not a one-time thing, just reloaded and did the same things and it crashed again.

How do I do that the jasmine eat prey and get eaten?

I dunno the specifics. I just showed up to the bar one day and she already had prey in her.


Oh, so it randomly?

Who knows, can tell me, please, how to improve relations with the octopus girl?


I tried this game out today and DAMN, its like a whole new thing, a huge new spin on the genre of vore novellas
I absolutely loved it, it felt so alive
Although i have only one problem/suggestion
Sometimes the amount of interactions with npcs is a bit small when its no vore, like talking is limited to like 2 proper question and one "talk" button that just displays the "you talked to them" text, Hopefuly in next updates the predators will have a lot more different interactions/talks, that way the game will feel even more immersive/hotter
(also add autosaves, i died by the frog girl and had to start all over)

What i loved the most is that all predators have daily plans on where they'll go, even if you're eaten by them, it feels a lot cooler when they move here and there while still having you in there


i think once you get a vehicle you should be able to explore the city with a day/evening/night versions of exploring the city in the day you could find new places and during the evening you can find night life places like a strip club or a vore club and at night preds and prey are on the sidewalk like escorts (prostitutes) and if you have a vehicle big enough for that pred/prey you can either be prey or be the pred for the time (if they make the MC able to be a pred in setting in the future).

does the type of car matter cause i found this post and followed your advice & see no night event or option to explore the city at any time 

Dude or Dudette it's a idea / suggestion it's not in the game

sorry i thougth you replied to someone else about asking  about acceessing more contect didn,t relise this was original

Is there a way to download the 0.38 version? As far as I can tell the modding community hasn't updated past that.

The forum

where is the modding community.?

Eka's Thread link

Im kind of miffed. But i know it's not your problem. I'm trying to use joiplay to play, and it's just.. not working. Loading.. then it closes itself. One time it said it couldn't extract private7 data. So.. I'unno. If someone might be able to help, cool. If an android port is in the works, even cooler. Just wanted to complain.

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I don't know if this idea has ever occurred to anyone...

But how about adding an on/off option (natural needs) for girls. For example: to defecate from time to time.

And if at this moment you are in the intestines, then there is a chance that you will be able to come out of the anus.

I don't often say that but I wish I could unread.

So, idk if this is a bug or something intentional, but when I'm in Euthalia's womb she never releases me, no matter how long I stay in there! I have it set to where wombs don't digest me so I end up just stuck in there. She never ever goes "somewhere private" to get me out.

Which one is euthalia?

The octopus lady

Add a patch for the Russian language, some dialogs from the update do not work or are not displayed


When will Mobile Support be added?

so i joined the server but im not sure what im missing because after clicking the check mark i still dont have acces to the different channels and the one mod i saw i tryd to pm to get it figured out but the message didnt even go through so not sure what the point of that was but any help would be nice

can you add the esophagus to jasmine as she sleep eats, that would be nice


Is there a way to have sex with Beatrice, Catalina or Bessie? If not, are there plans for it in future updates?

Do mods still work?

1. Is theere wvwr gonna be a time you cann moove in with all the preds?

2. Will there ever bea time where if you cum inside of someone enough then they get pregnant?


Is there a way to alter your sats by console command or something. I'd like to progress through the story more like a VN then a game if thats ok. Thanks. 

Does anybody else have issues with opening the game? Like, it opened the first time I downloaded it, and now its not working, like at all. Any help?


Dude, it is incredibly tedious and confusing to acquire mods for the game. Do you think you can maybe put in some sort of mod menu for the game akin to Broken Dreams Correctional Facility? Also, cock vore, where is it?


We need a android version of the game please 🙏🙏🙏😩



How do you do unbirth and who can you do it with?


Any plans to have interactions with the prey you are sharing a belly with? Would love to get intimate with them or something along those lines.


a small question: will you be able to create a page on ? I have no way to support you through patreon

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these models look like shit (ugly ass mfs)



*Puts hand on shoulder*

It's not for you 

(1 edit) (+1)

1) i have to much old safe files, how i can delite them?

2) will be in the future to admier girls with someone else inside them?

Can anybody tell me, what Work pay the most of Money?


God tell me, will there be a port release for Android?

Is there any hack in game

not that i know of but there should be mods on the discord 

What mod should i use

how do you feed jasime?


you need to become her roommate


Great game here, i wonder if there will eventually be a guide for getting each of the achievements this game has along the way?


Major question but will scenes (mainly the sex scenes since the Vore scenes mind be a bit tricky) be animated at one point because I feel like it would bring a bit more life to what we currently see them as?

C'est sympa d'avoir des traductions en plusieurs langues surtout en français ça aide par contre j'ai eu un bug ou sertin texte ne s'affiche pas mais pas grave j'aime le jeux 

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Are you making an android port


we are waiting for the release on android

Can anyone tell me where I can get the most for my work? At the moment I only know of an ice cream shop.

And also how and where to communicate with the giraffe and the frog, the relationship bar does not fill up, or fills up slowly... 

 And as for housing... Who is the best place to move to early in the game? (Right now I'm literally sleeping in the park, otherwise a deer/doe will eat me😅)


the best place is from ziraffa for that doesn't eat you and doesn't ask you anything in return for the work I don't know which is the best in my game that one who paid the most was the garbage man but you withdrew without resistance falling asleep wherever it happens until the days of vacation to make the love rise and you have to have the hygene, social and fun bars at maximum to make the love rise

Made please port for android.

Loving it so far!
Hoping in the future, we can see some animations, and more encouragement to find other roommates.

Will there be an option to change content (disabling/enabling ub) after starting a agme?

for now no and if it doesn't work

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